At the end of August, We had a sleepover for class 4 and 5 kids.
It was the first time for many kids to be away from their family and parents so some kids were a little nervous about it.
初めて家族から離れて過ごす子も多く 緊張している様子だったので
So the teachers planned an action packed sleepover so that the kids wouldn’t feel lonely.
The boys made cool swords and shelds, and the girls made cute unicorn hairbands.
Then we made rainbow ice-cream.
The highlight was the barbeque on the terrace.
We ate lots of yummy barbeque foods and could watch the sun going down.
とてもおいしい お肉やお野菜を食べ 夕日も見ることができました。
Then when it was dark we toasted BIG marshmallows, and then did some fireworks.
日が沈んでからは、大きなマシュマロを焼いたり 花火をして過ごしましたよ。
Everyrybody took a shower, got ready to sleep...
but nobody cried!!
We woke up early in the morning, and went for a busride together.
Then we had a treasure hunt, played in the shark pool, and had a watermelon bust.
その後は、宝探しをしたり サメのプールで泳いだり スイカ割りもしました。
It was soooo much fun, and all the kids did a great job being away from their parents.
とても楽しかったね!そして 初めて家族と離れてお友達と過ごせたね!すごいよ!
Good job, class 4 and 5.
よくがんばりましたね! クラス4&5!