On September 2nd we held our 2022 Summer festival!
All of the students and teachers came to school dressed in colourful yukata and jinbei.
生徒や先生は、きれいな色のゆかた じんべいを着て登園しましたよ。
We had a special morning circle where everyone could dance and we sang about the colours of our special clothes.
During the festival, the students could participate in games held by each of the teachers including: fishing for balls with paper paddles, throwing a ball at a target, trying to hook hoops and playing with yo-yo balloons filled with water.
When each game was completed, the students received a sticker from the teacher on their special game card and prizes for participating.
ゲームが終わると 参加したご褒美とゲームカードに先生からシールがもらえました。
Once all of the students had completed the games, they all gathered together in the main hall with the teachers to celebrate with a special bon dance!
ゲームがすべて終わると、みんなでメインホールに集まって 盆踊りを踊りました。
Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed playing the games and dancing with each other.
みんな とても楽しんでゲームやダンスをしましたよ。
We hope that everyone could enjoy Summer and we are all looking forward to Autumn!
みんな 夏を楽しんで、秋が来るのを楽しみにしています!
Thank you everyone!
みんな ありがとう!