We planted sweet potato slips today!
A local farm kindly agreed to show us how to plant sweet potato slips.
The students put on their wellington boots and caps, and we all boarded the school bus to the vegetable farm.
子ども達は、長靴と帽子をかぶって スクールバスに乗って 農園へ行きましたよ。
We were welcomed by the farmers with a great big smile!
農園につくと 農家の方が笑顔で迎えてくれました。
Planting the potato slips was so fun! We got a little muddy but that’s okay!
お芋植えはとても楽しかったです! 少し 泥が付きましたが それも大丈夫です!
We hope they grow big and healthy so we can harvest them in the fall.
I wonder what we can make with the sweet potatoes.
お芋を使って どんな料理ができるかな。
A sweet potato pie? Daigaku-Imo? Just thinking about all the desserts we could make is making me soo hungry!
パイ?大学芋? デザートのことを考えるだけで、お腹がすいてきますね。
After, the farmers showed us other veggies they were growing. Asparagus, lettuce, strawberries, eggplant, and many more delicious vegetables.
It’s so exciting to see where our food comes from.
What a fun day! We would like to thank the wonderful farmers for welcoming us on their farm!
とても充実した一日になりましたね! 農家の方 ありがとうございました!