This year’s theme for our Summer Program was Under The Sea!
今年のサマープログラムのテーマは「Under The Sea」でした!
We had lots of fun singing sea and pirate songs, and doing our Under The Sea dance.
All the kids enjoyed 3 action packed days making crafts, playing games, cooking, and of course we had lessons about sea animals, pirates and mermaids.
子どもたちは全員、工作をしたり、ゲームをしたり、料理をしたり、アクション満載の 3 日間を満喫しました。もちろん、海の動物、海賊、人魚についても学びましたよ!
On our first day we all made beautiful treasure chests sponge painting the chests with paints, then we decorated the treasure chests with lots of shiny tape, jewels and stickers.
On our second day we made cool pirate hats and pretty mermaid tiaras. And on our third day we made Oceans In A Bottle making blue sea and adding fish, shells and glitter.
We played lots of games such as Shark Attack, Feed The Whale, Walk The Plank, Bingo, Sea Animals Basket and had a Treasure Hunt.
シャーク・アタック、クジラに餌をやる、Walk The Plank、ビンゴ、海の動物のバスケットなどのたくさんのゲームをしたり、宝探しをしたりしました。
We found the treasure and found jewels, shells and gold coins! The Shark Attack game was a little scary, but it was so much fun!!
For our cooking class, we made submarine pizzas and whale and mermaid cupcakes. The pizza was soooooo yummy, and the cupcakes were decorated with blue and pink cream and looked too cute to eat!
We had lots of fun with our Stella friends and our new friends! And everybody was happy to take home some presents!
Thank you to everyone that attended, and we hope to see you again!