Last Saturday was our family excursion!
We all visited a park in the mountains together.
The weather was sunny and warm and there were still cherry blossoms on the trees!
暖かく お日様も照っていて、まだ桜も咲いていました!
We had many activities planned for the day.
用意していた アクティビティーをしましたよ!
The teachers were formally introduced to the parents and we all sang a spring song together with different actions.
新しいクラスになったので、先生紹介があり 春の歌を いろんなを動きで一緒に歌いました。
After our singing and dancing, the games for the day were explained and the students received a stamp card.
歌とダンスの後は、ゲームの説明があって スタンプカードを受け取りました。
When they completed a game they earned a stamp and once they had collected all 4 stamps then they could claim their prize!
ゲームを完了するとスタンプを獲得し、4 つのスタンプをすべて集めると賞品を受け取ることができます。
There were phyical, memory, knowledge and accuracy games!
When the games were over the teachers and parents could talk together while te students played in the sunshine and ate their bentos!
It was a fun day and great to see so many smiles and laughter from the children!
Let's do it again together next year!