Welcome to Stella‘s Around The World Summer Program! We are so happy to have so many friends join our program this year. Today we had a fun packed day. After we arrived, we colored some pages in our Activity Books. Then we made a big circle and introduced ourselves while passing around a big koala. We had song and dance time and did 3 dances. The first dance was a folk dance from Denmark called Seven Jumps. The next dance was the Mexican Hat Dance, and the next dance was the Nutbush, a dance that is popular in Australia. We had lesson time and studied about flags from different countries. Some were flags from countries that we knew, some were new flags from new countries. For our craft the kindergarten kids painted and decorated a suitcase, and the elementary kids made a globe. We enjoyed Indian curry with naan for lunch and some kids had many helpings. After lunch was game time! We threw balls and tried to knock down Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower. It was so much fun! We also played pass the parcel and did an obstacle course. For a snack we ate Australian lamingtons. They were so sweet and yummy