Mochi pounding festival!
At the beginning of January we celebrated the new year with a mochi pounding festival!
The teachers boiled rice and once it was ready, each class had the chance to use a large wodden hammer to pound the large rice ball!
先生がもち米を炊いて準備したものを 子供たちが杵でつきましたよ。
The hammer was heavy for some students so they had help from their class teacher to pound the rice!
Afterwards, the rice was shaped into small mochi balls and the students were able to take 3 pieces each with them to enjoy at home with their family!
それから、小さく切ってまるめて 3つのおもちを家族と食べるために お家に持って帰りました。
It was a fun day for everyone and the mochi was very tasty!
とても楽しかったね! そして 本当においしかったね!