On this day, we took a bus to Fukuyama Castle to pick up fallen leaves.
落ち葉を踏んで かさかさ がさがさ ばりばり いろんな音を出して楽しんだり
we scoured for the leaves and stepping on them made all sorts of sounds.
赤い色 黄色い色 いろんな色の落ち葉を探しました。
We looked for leaves of all different colors, including red and yellow.
We also found a ginkgo nut!
The color is a cute pink.
近くによると とても濃縮された香りを放っていました。
According to those nearby, it had a very strong scent.
みんな 笑いながら、くさーい くさいねーと言っていました。
Everyone was laughing and saying that it stinks.
階段を上るところに ドングリが落ちていました。
We found fallen acorns when we were going up the stairs!
どんぐりを見つけると大興奮で走って行って 子ども達は目を輝かせて拾いました。
When the children found an acorn, they ran with excitement and picked it up with bright eyes.
The amount of leaves was a little smaller than last year
子ども達は しっかり見つけて拾いました!
But the kids made sure to find many and pick them up!
園に持ち帰った 葉っぱやドングリは 落ち葉遊びや工作で使いたいと思います!
I would like to use the leaves and acorns I brought back to Stella to play with and make crafts!
Let's enjoy autumn a lot!